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Página inicial > VIII Jornada de Etnomusicologia e VI Colóquio Amazônico de Etnomusicologia > Uncategorised > VIII ETHNOMUSICOLOGY CONFERENCE VI AMAZON COLLOQUIUM OF ETHNOMUSICOLOGY
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 TRADUÇÕES / TRANSLATIONS: Bandeira do Brasil - Baixar em PNG no Bandeira.netPortuguês        Ícone Do Vetor Da Bandeira Da Espanha Ilustração Stock - Ilustração de  bandeira, vetor: 100827644Espanhol 




 The Ethnomusicology laboratory based within the Federal University of Pará (LabEtno) is comprised of the Music and Identity in the Amazon Research Group (GPMIA), the Music in Pará Study Group (GEMPA), and the Amazon Music Studies Group (GEMAM) from the State University of Pará. Together, our objective is to bring together and support research in the area of ​​ethnomusicology in Amazonia. Our objectives include: to house the existing collection of artefacts; to offer support for its supply chain; to expand knowledge about music in the Amazon; to maintain a comprehensive register  of sound and text archives that are available to the local community; to increase and enhance the development of the area of ​​ethnomusicology in Northern Brazil; to undertake research and carry out extended activities with musical partners and connections in the State and local region; to establish a bridge between the University music Academy and the traditional musicians and musical specialists in the region; and to promote events, courses and workshops.

 Recent events hosted by LabEtno include seven editions of the Ethnomusicology Conference and the previous three editions of the Amazon Colloquium of Ethnomusicology, which took place alongside the Conference. This year’s event corresponds to the 8th edition of the Conference and the 6th edition of the Colloquium. It will take place in three days with the participation of researchers, teachers, students and musicians from Northern Brazil, however it is also open to national and international collaborations. The events include conferences, lectures, research presentations, musical presentations and discussions with specialists in popular culture. The Ethnomusicology conference has consolidated itself as one of the most  important ethnomusicology events in Brazil.

 Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, in 2021, the events will be held on-line. The conference, discussion panels, and artistic presentations will take place in the form of live broadcasts on YouTube at Communications will be available on the same YouTube channel on the first day of the event. These works will be previously sent to the Conference/Colloquium committee by the authors according to instructions in the submission rules. The public will be able to interact asynchronously in the comments area of ​​videos on YouTube and synchronously via Google Meet, during the event. Communications will be subdivided and organized into sessions and the schedule will be released in advance after the evaluation period.






Launching of the Event

July 1

Submission of Works

July 5 to August 25

Evaluation of submitted Works

September 1 to 26

Publication of approved Works

October 1

Submission by the authors of the final version of the approved works to be published in the book of the events

October 10

Publication of the schedule of communications sessions, posters and artistic presentations

October 20


October 26 to 28














Event Opening



3:00 PM


Table of Discussion


5:00 PM

Round Table 1

Round Table 2

Round Table 3

7:00 PM

Music Presentation

Music Presentation

Music Presentation




The VIII Conference and the VI Colloquium will accept academic papers in Ethnomusicology and related areas. Only unpublished texts (not previously presented or published in other events, or currently in the process of publication) will be accepted in Portuguese, Spanish or English. The selection process will be overseen by the Scientific Committee. Each proposal will be forwarded for evaluation by two referees and, in case of divergent opinions, a third referee will make the final decision on its approval.


Evaluation criteria will include:

- Relevance (actuality, innovation and contribution to the area);

- Structure (clarity of objectives, fulfilment of the proposed objectives, clarity of execution, consistency and rigor of  argument).

Papers will be received and sent to invited reviewers.  Submissions must be sent to the email: Este endereço de email está sendo protegido de spambots. Você precisa do JavaScript ativado para vê-lo.

All information regarding the event can be found at


Oral Presentations:

Presentation videos once approved by the scientific committee should be sent to the email: Este endereço de email está sendo protegido de spambots. Você precisa do JavaScript ativado para vê-lo. including the subject line: VIDEO - PRESENTATION - COMMUNICATION - AUTHOR'S LAST NAME. The duration of the video must not exceed fifteen minutes and should contain the recording of the presentation of the author using the resource they deem most relevant and most accessible.

  • For recording you may use a cell phone (provided it is fixed on a support and horizontally), a camera or your computer's webcam;
  • The recording should take place in a location with little background noise and with good lighting.
  • Suggested programs/apps for video editing, only if necessary: ​​Movie Maker for Windows (tutorial); Shotcut (tutorial); ClipChamp; PowToon; Kizoa; VivaVideo (app); Magisto (app); WeVideo (app); IShot (app)





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